
Accelerating our career can be one of the most difficult challenges we will face as adults.  We know that we don’t want to become stagnant in an ever-changing job market but often times, we are hesitant to acknowledge the qualities that are preventing us from excelling. Consider the following steps and allow setting yourself apart from your previous self.

Below are five key strategies we’ve seen work in our years of recruiting.

Step One: Raise Your Standards

If you want to make a job change or advance your career, the first thing you must do is raise your standards. Raising your standards leads to the behaviors that all great leaders possess.

Step Two: Demand More of Yourself

By demanding more of yourself, you will reinforce a commitment to high standards.  This will add value to the work you produce and increase your value in the job market.

Step Three: What Will You No Longer Accept?

List all the things you will no longer accept, tolerate or settle for in life and in work.  We are all aware that life is about measured tradeoffs but don’t subject yourself to being made to feel less than or let yourself be taken advantage of.

Step Four: Visualize the Professional You Want to Become

List all the things that you aspire to become.  This will give you a clear vision of what you are trying to accomplish.  Once you have a vision, you have something to refer back to when the going gets tough.

Step Five: Notice What Works

When compared to our grandparents, we live in a world that changes more in a year than it did for them in 25.  With all the turbulent changes, it is vital that you pay close attention to what is working and what is not working.  Focus on those things that work and stop doing the things that don’t.  In short, stay committed to your vision, but flexible in your approach.

Sure, you can always find a job but these five strategies may help you find the career you’ve been longing for.  Experience will get you to the gate but dedication and tenacity will ensure that you win the race.

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein

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